Thank you for supporting our parish. You can make one-off donations or give regularly in a number of ways
On-line – we are able to accept donations and offertory giving on our secure portal. Please select DONATE HERE
Directly through your bank – you can make a one-off donation or set up a monthly standing order arranged through your bank. Our banking details, which are hosted by the Diocese, are as follows
Bank: NatWest
Sort code: 60-06-11
Account: 46714618
Account name: Northampton Roman Catholic Church
Payment re: Please enter your name
Please be sure to reference your payment with your surname, so that we can identify you if you are a gift aider
At church – you can donate cash by placing it in the baskets either during the offertory session or at any time when they are held at the back of the church, or you can use the Weekly Envelope system. Alternatively, we have a Digital Collection Plate in the porch which is a secure card reader device which allows you to donate by debit or credit card.
By phone – you can donate to the parish by phoning the Diocesan finance team with your debit or credit card details on 01604 712065; they are available every Tuesday between 10.00am and 4.00pm. Please ensure you mention it is for Our Lady’s church, Olney.
By envelope which can be put through the presbytery door at any time; please mark it as offertory, donation (with intention if specific) or mass request as appropriate and, if a mass request, please include your name and a contact number.
Please select here for further information on how you can enhance your giving by using the Gift Aid system
Further information on how the parish finances are managed can be found here under Accounts